Friday, November 02, 2007

Snap-shots of school kids at Rufoki community School


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Stefans posing at the MAF, Suva

Fanz with torres strait Island dancers - Post Fiji stadium

Fanz sizing up a PNG dancer

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

More USP open day photos

Brother Leni doing some fine moves

Simon mau (4th, L_R) and other USP students with rugby legend Waisale Serevi

WFF members and other SI'er on USP open-day cultural show

stefaldo with his trademark afro hairdo with kabilato and shield to match

bryan (front, third row) spreading wings on a renbel item

showing off some expensive wares

Monday, August 28, 2006

More WFF meeting photos at Bishops' Confereance, Fiji

Group photo with Archbishop Adrian Smith and Bishop Chris Cardone (WFF members; Luke Mani, Simon Mau and Stefaldo Fanakui, L-R)

WFF delegates; Lazarus Tomae, Simon Mau, Stefaldo Fanakui and Luke Mani

West Fataleka Foundation members meeting with Bishops

Charles Balvo, Archbishop of Boston with Christopher Cardone, Bishop of Malaita at the Tradewinds.

Bishop Chris Cardone and WFF member discussing issues of potential cooperation between WFF and the Malaita Diocese

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Founding WFF members and kids

Stefaldo and Simon Mau, two founding members of WFF posing with other members of the West Fataleka community at USP, Suva, Fiji.

Luke and family flanked by Brian (founding WFF member) and Asi (part-Fiji/Solomon) at the formers Msc graduation at USP, Fiji.